BE NOTHING BUT ABSOLUT - TVC and content for social
THE JOB: Creating habitats around four cosmopolitans that defy conventions and carve their own path in life. Fiercely ambitious outspoken personalities coming together to celebrate life as they themselves have visioned.
CONCEPT: Mash-it-up. Create props and scenes in the DIY spirit of creativity.
BIGGEST CHALLENGE: Managing Bucharest traffic in getting from A to B
WOW MOMENT: Entering the Casa Radio Bucharest Location
SPOTLIGHT ON A PROP: The larger then life mirrored wrecking / disco ball spreading its rays
Laut von Leise, Munich
Saltwater Films Berlin, production
Dustin Schöne, director
Jan David Gunther, dop
Dirk Behrend, production design
services provided:
Production design
thank you:
Anca Lazar, supporting art director
Family Film Bucharest, production