SWISS BANKERS - TVC and content for social
THE JOB: “it’s all about PRODUCTION DESIGN & LOCATIONS” Greg said. With stunning production design, combined with keeping an open minded approach to the locations, we can create stunning visuals, instead of expected visuals that we see way to much of in the advertising world. Each location, and the way it’s art directed should become a “character” in each film. Each location will give each film texture, and an iconic look that we should embrace to its fullest. Lets embrace locations that are simple, unexpected and unique The visuals need to be strong and iconic and not rooted to much in commercial reality - for then the we focus much more on the idea, the viewer doesn’t worry about the type of location.
CONCEPT: Lets keep it simple but arkward stylish.
BIGGEST CHALLENGE: Getting 50 kg of Monopoly Mony made. Get 76 similar Alarm Clocks on a Budget.
WOW MOMENT: the VOLVO Bertone in ‘Gold
SPOTLIGHT ON A PROP: A Huge Collection of old Plastic Snow globes, Organized by the best Propsmaster “Martin Lorenz”
Publicis Zürich
Markenfilm Schweiz, production
Greg Bray, director
Christian Datum , dop
Dirk Behrend, production design
services provided:
Production design
full Artdepartment